Lonely Mother’s Day – Third Culture’s Story

This most likely happens to many third culture kids (TCKs) when holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day rolls around. I phoned a florist in Taiwan to make sure a basket of flowers (carnations for mothers day! of course) in her favorite color assortments are sent over on Saturday. Why a day before Sunday? Because … Continue reading Lonely Mother’s Day – Third Culture’s Story

She’s not shy, she’s just not interested

This actually happened. Hilarious as it is. My girlfriend, Mandy is a cute blond, and was out with me and some friends. We ran into more friends at G lounge (one of me fave places!) and we all started hanging out. I introduced one of my single guy friends to my friend, Mandy. My guy … Continue reading She’s not shy, she’s just not interested

Non-single guys: Why do you flirt? and girls: why do you flirt back?

Ok, strange question? Let me back up and explain why. Dennis, great guy, beautiful and on his way to graduate from medical school and make some big bucks. Smart, funny, charming. And oh my goodness, does he get so much attention from girls, and he flirts right back, just as strongly. He seeks out the … Continue reading Non-single guys: Why do you flirt? and girls: why do you flirt back?

How you start the relationship, is it important?

I have friends pondering over the value and sustainability of their romantic relationship. We got into a discussion: How did your relationship start? Why are you with the person you're with right now? We got some varying answers: 1. We have a lot of fun together. 2. We were really good friends, and were spending … Continue reading How you start the relationship, is it important?